Start and End the Day with Some Free Exercise

Our final activities involving some automatic exercise are our morning and evening routines. In this case, the main aim is to wake up or wind down, and exercise is just a nice byproduct. 

Morning routine

Movement is a great way to wake up the body and the mind early in the morning. Do this, and you’ll get up to speed quickly without having to resort to addictive and unhealthy stimulants. 

There are also a host of other good reasons to move your body early in the morning as summarized in this article

Practicality is key for a sustainable morning exercise habit. Good candidates include yoga, any other floor exercise, or just taking a brisk walk.

It also doesn’t need to take a long time – 10 minutes will do just fine. And for those occasional crazy mornings, you can have a 1-minute short version

Evening routine

Evening movement should be more gentle than morning movement. A slow yoga routine or short stroll work just fine. These movements will help you relax before bed with the added benefit of a little exercise. 

Yoga or other stretching can also help alleviate any annoying mild aches and pains that could keep you from drifting off. 

See you tomorrow for the wrap-up of this week’s topic!