Recap: Automatic Exercise

This week explored a simple principle for achieving permanent fitness: never exercise just for the sake of exercise. Instead, set up your life in such a way that exercise happens as a natural byproduct of other useful activities. 

Let’s take a look at how this can be done.

The checklist

We covered four key areas offering healthy doses of automatic exercise:

  • Personal transportation. Think carefully through your daily life and identify any short trips to work, the shops or your friend’s house that can be made by muscle power instead of fossil power. 
  • Sport and nature. Getting yourself a sport you genuinely enjoy and regularly getting out in nature bring great fun and revitalization. 
  • Work. Even though most of us spend our working lives at a desk, there are still plenty of ways to incorporate some healthy movement into your daily life. 
  • Morning and evening routines. Movement is great for switching on the body in the morning and relaxing the mind at night. 

If you manage to incorporate most of these elements into your life, you’ll never need to worry about exercise again! It will happen all by itself for the rest of your life 🙂