Recap: Morning Movement

OK, let’s wrap up our third weekly topic: establishing an early-morning exercise habit. 

The previous two weeks talked about establishing a consistent sleep pattern and getting an accountability buddy. Both these strategies make it easier to get out of bed bright and early each morning. 

This week’s habit ensures that we manage to switch ourselves on once we are actually up. In combination, these three habits can work wonders for your daily productivity!

The checklist

So, without further ado, here’s the summarized guide to establishing a good morning exercise habit:

  1. Select your movement of choice, considering the following criteria:
    • It should be easy to do regardless of the weather
    • One session should be quite short (10 minutes will suffice)
    • You should be able to see yourself enjoying this activity
  2. Get some equipment (e.g. a yoga mat) and instructions (e.g. a highly ranked app)
  3. Make space for exercise in your morning routine
    • This mostly means getting up 10 minutes earlier 😮
    • Never try to squeeze anything into your morning without deliberately making space first!
  4. Develop a 1-minute Lite version for crazy or uninspired days
    • It’s critical to stick to the habit even during your worst mornings

So, there you have it! May mastering morning movement motivate many marvelous minds 😀

See you tomorrow!