Recap: Personal Constitution

OK, we’ve now spent a good two weeks on the idea of a personal constitution. Time to wrap up. 

The purpose of maintaining a personal constitution to do the right things every day, not because you’re forcing yourself, but simply because of who you are. It lets you become the best version of yourself. 

Getting ourselves to do the small things right every day is the central theme of this blog. It’s the key to unlocking the superpower of consistency and the most powerful force in the universe: compounding

A good personal constitution is therefore a fundamental building block of a great life. 

I really hope you’ll give it a try!

The checklist

Here is the short and simple blueprint to a good personal constitution:

  1. Draft your own version with elements for health, creativity, people and burdens.
    • Make it as personal to yourself as possible.
    • Keep it simple and short.
  2. Passionately recite your constitution for a minute or two each morning.
    • Integrate it into your morning routine to ensure consistency. 
    • You need to feel it, not just ramble it off.
    • Preferably get some inspirational background music.
  3. Be patient. It will take several weeks before you start noticing behavioral changes.
    1. Be aware of these changes and pat yourself on the back when they happen.
    2. If a certain part of your constitution is not working or becomes outdated, modify or replace it. 

So, there you have it: a simple 1-2-3 to a good personal constitution 🙂

Good luck!