Ideal Version of You, Part 2: Creation

OK, let’s continue building your personal constitution: a concise description of the way the ideal version of you will act.   

Yesterday’s topic was health. Today, we move on to something just as important: creativity. 

Humans are inherently creative creatures. In fact, I truly believe that creation is a mandatory element of a happy and fulfilling life. Creative expression in a state of flow may well be the ultimate human experience.  

Sadly, today’s world is so full of distractions that many people have lost touch with their creative powers. Yes, consumption can bring temporary pleasure, but only creation can bring lasting fulfillment. 

So, let’s take control over our unique creative powers:

Special Tuesday 5-minute action Draft your own creativity constitution


A good constitution segment is no longer than 2-3 sentences. It should be simple, clear and memorable. 

Here are some helpful guidelines for drafting a good creativity constitution: 

  • Don’t be shy about your own creative powers. They are greater than you think!
  • Specify the ultimate creative contribution you’d like to make in your lifetime
  • State how you will deploy your creative powers today to move a tiny bit closer to this goal

As an example, my creativity constitution looks like this: 

I take full control over my immense creative powers. By mastering this superpower with ease and consistency, I can one day save the world! Today, I will direct my superpower towards the synergistic goals of 1) advancing our CCS concepts, 2) developing my system-scale expertise and 3) optimizing the cruise velocity of myself and my team. 

Really make it as unique to you as possible. Be creative about your creativity constitution!

Go on, try it 🙂

See you tomorrow for part 3 your your personal constitution!

PS: If you haven’t checked out part 1 on health, do so here