The Daily Constitution Recital

As we discussed yesterday, a daily recital of your constitution is essential to becoming the best version of yourself. 

There are two keys to a good constitution recital: consistency and emotional engagement. 

The occasional read-through of your constitution will give you nothing. If you want the benefits, you’ll have to do it properly. 

The first step is to give your constitution a fixed position in your morning routine. It only takes a minute or two. So, if you manage to commit, this is actually pretty easy. 

After a couple of weeks of daily recitals, you should know your constitution by heart. This is a clear sign that you are starting to internalize its content. It also becomes even easier to maintain this daily habit when you can complete this recital off the top of your head. 

Second, it’s critical to activate some emotion during your recital. You’ll probably feel like an idiot during the first couple of passionate recitals of your constitution. But this awkward phase passes soon enough 🙂 

I’ve also found that it helps to play some inspirational background music during my recitals. My super-dramatic constitution song is included below, but you’ll have a different preference. 

Tomorrow, I’ll share the story of how it took me several years to finally realize the importance of these two guidelines. Hopefully, you won’t waste as much time as I did. 

See you then!