Season 1 Summary: Technology

Technology has elevated humanity from an insignificant animal somewhere in the middle of the food chain to the god species reigning over planet Earth.
Our technology, fuelled by millennia of stored solar energy in the form of fossil fuels, has created a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. Surviving and thriving in this epoch of our own making will depend on whether or not we master the double-edged sword called technology.
Technological revolutions
Our technological progress to date can be broken down into four great revolutions:
- Agricultural: Stupendous increases in food production.
- Industrial: Stupendous increases in the production of stuff.
- Techno-scientific: Stupendous increases in the rate of change and technological power.
- Digital: Stupendous increases in the amount of easily accessible information.
The word “stupendous” characterizes each of these revolutions. And all these stupendous increases have brought tremendous benefits. But similarly tremendous problems were never far behind.
Double-edged sword
The products of each technological revolution are useful only up to a point. Beyond that point, the costs start outweighing the benefits. Many of us are way beyond that point.
Here are some tips for restoring balance:
- Agricultural revolution. Capitalize on the immense privilege of being able to buy every nutrient your body needs at the supermarket. Save the world by minimizing unhealthy food and animal products.
- Industrial revolution. Make sure your stuff is useful (it gets used at least once per month). This happens naturally through investment in that precious intangible asset called life efficiency.
- Techno-scientific revolution. Be a responsible consumer to help nudge technological progress in the right direction. Be a responsible influencer and voter to correctly shape our future.
- Digital revolution. See your consumption of digital information as food for your mind. Just like food, consume the good, cut out the bad, and minimize the useless.
The degree to which we manage to follow through on the simple tips above will make or break the 21st century. And in today’s day and age, this starts with the digital revolution.
Digital mastery
The digital revolution has deployed its devices throughout society at an incredible speed. Learning to master these devices instead of being mastered by them has become a crucial life skill.
- Computer. Good ergonomics and regular breaks to move your body are essential for healthy PC use. You should also install a distraction blocker to help you focus on what’s most important.
- Phone. Reorganize your phone to escape chronic distraction from notifications and addictive apps. And stop using your phone for things best done on a PC.
- Internet. Remember that information is food for your mind. A healthy information diet is essential. Be especially wary of empty information addiction in the form of video streaming and news.
- Social media. Some social networks are designed to be useful, but the value of most is up to the user. An interesting social media trend to follow is the deletion of purely distracting accounts.
The digital revolution is far from done. We can look forward to incredible breakthroughs over the coming decades. But if we cannot even master our phones, how will we master AI?
Future technology revolutions
No-one knows what the future holds, but one thing is for sure: our technology will advance, making the double-edged sword sharper on both sides.
Here are four future revolutions we should prepare ourselves for:
- Enhanced humans. Genetic engineering and digital/mechanical augmentation can greatly enhance human health, longevity, and performance. Those who look after their health and wealth could experience these benefits in their lifetimes.
- Artificial intelligence. Learning to communicate with machines will be an invaluable future skill. Machines will take over most menial jobs, but those that involve a high degree of complexity, creativity, or emotional intelligence will be safe from automation.
- Advanced telecommunications. Although physical teleportation is impossible, virtual teleportation is something we can look forward to. Virtual reality technology will totally change the way we meet and travel over the coming decades. Covid-19 has accelerated this trend.
- Shared universal mind. Efficient access to the complete shared knowledge and experience of humanity can greatly enhance individual lives. With increasingly automated data collection, the creation of such a shared universal mind is becoming a real possibility.
If we can learn to wield the double-edged sword of technology with wisdom and grace, these trends point to a truly awesome future. Let’s make it happen 🙂