Can We Finally Master Food?

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be taking a look at how we can finally take control of the amazing technological revolutions discussed last week

In other words: how we can go about securing all the great benefits, while avoiding the many drawbacks and dangers. 

Let’s start with the oldest one of the bunch: the agricultural revolution.

Awesome efficiency

In the previous post, we discussed the absolutely astounding progress in agricultural productivity over the last couple of centuries. 

As a result, we now spend a small fraction of the time spent by our forefathers to earn our daily bread. And we get a much better diet in exchange for that little effort. 

Do yourself a favor and calculate the fraction of your day you have to work to earn enough money to buy your food. This is an excellent topic for gratitude

Amazing variety

Thanks to the agricultural revolution, your local supermarket contains every nutrient your body needs. 

Make use of this amazing privilege by building automatic healthy eating habits that involve a high degree of dietary variety.    

Massive waste

Far too much of the bounty from the agricultural revolution is processed into empty calories that impose enormous health-related costs on society. We also consume too much food in general.  

This is much like paying some people (empty calorie producers) to come and smash up your house and then paying other people (the healthcare and diet industries) to try and patch it back up again. 

To avoid this massive waste, excluding self-destruct foods and automating lower calorie intake should be high on the priority list. 

Huge environmental impact

Animal products are the main problem here. Despite supplying only 18% of global food energy, meat and dairy uses three quarters of agricultural land and emits two thirds of greenhouse gases

Animal welfare is also still a major concern. 

You don’t need to go full vegan. But I recommend restricting meat to 5% of your total calorie intake. By using the “meat as a vegetable dressing” philosophy, this is quite easy. 

Amazing potential

Follow these rather obvious tips and our oldest technological revolution can give you an amazingly long and healthy life at an amazingly low cost 🙂