Are You a Socially Responsible Consumer?

The techno-scientific revolution elevated us to the level of God species, allowing us to surpass nature as the dominant force on planet Earth. 

Will we be a force for good? That’s up to each one or us.

The responsible consumer

Every time you buy something, it’s your moment to influence the direction of our society. 

  • When buying a home, are you incentivising the world to invest in urban sprawl or compact smart cities?
  • When buying a car, do you encourage the development of efficiency or power?
  • When buying gadgets, are you telling companies it’s OK to just add a few bells and whistles or are you demanding more serious advances before your next upgrade?
  • When buying food, is your grocery list forcing companies to prioritize health, sustainability and animal welfare? 
  • When you’re on the internet, what kind or content are you telling people they should create more of? 
  • When investing in the stock market, which kinds of companies do you support?

The responsible influencer

We’re all influencers. Every time you talk to anyone else, you’re having a tiny little impact on the way they think. This then goes on to influence the way they influence other people in their lives. 

Over time, all these tiny little influences within a community turns into social norms or cultures, strongly influencing how people act. 

So, in what direction are you steering our social norms and culture? 

  • Do your conversations sometimes turn to sustainability, personal responsibility and social justice?
  • What kind of content do you share on social media? Anything glorifying displays of consumer excess, prejudice or radicalism?
  • Are you raising your kids to be wise and just rulers of planet Earth? 

The responsible voter

Policy has a large impact on how society deploys the awesome power of the techno-scientific revolution. 

Will the policies of the party you support ensure the long-term sustainability of our planet and eradicate inequality of opportunity?

Every decision counts

The techno-scientific revolution has ensured that our world will forever be changing and that these changes will have far-reaching consequences for the planet and all its inhabitants.

The direction it changes to depends on trillions of tiny consumer choices. And every one of them counts. 

Are your daily choices making the world a better place?