Morning Mental Stimulation

Starting up your mental machinery in the morning is an important challenge to many. After all, getting up early to lay the foundations for a great day is not worth much if your brain isn’t working.  

A chat with your accountability buddy and some early morning movement are already two big steps in the right direction. But we still need to add the finishing touch: mentally stimulating information.  

Yes, arguably the best way to boost your brain to maximum creativity is to read or listen to something that you find interesting and/or inspiring. 

Which brings us to this week’s…

Monday 1-minute action Find a stimulating book, magazine, podcast or online reader


If you already have something in mind, that’s great! If not, I strongly recommend that you spend some quality time online looking for great information on topics that truly interest you. 

Be sure to make it short and simple so that you experience minimal resistance to getting started. A book or magazine with short sections is perfect because you can absorb a well-rounded message in 5-10 minutes. 

Alternatively, the internet is full of interesting podcasts on any topic you can imagine. Online reading platforms like Medium or WordPress Reader also offer interesting options. 

I really hope you find something that’s right for you!

Have an inspired day 🙂