Ideal Version of You, Part 4: Burdens
Most of us have some kind of cross to bear. In my case, it’s a stuttering problem. For you it will be something else.
When talking about life’s burdens, it’s important to realize that it’s not necessarily the burden itself that makes life difficult. It’s more the way we respond to this burden.
Do we cower under its tyrannous reign? Or do we use it as a training ground to become stronger?
I don’t know about you, but the second option looks much more appealing to me 🙂
If it’s something that can be overcome, we need to put in the necessary work. If not, we need to make sure we manage it to the best of our ability and gradually mold it into a force for good.
For example, my stuttering problem helped make me a financially free and highly productive scientist. It also improved my communication skills by forcing me to concentrate my message into fewer words.
So let’s formalize this…
Special Thursday 5-minute action Draft your personal challenge constitution
A good constitution segment is no longer than 2-3 sentences. It should be simple, clear and memorable.
Here are some helpful guidelines for drafting a good constitution to govern your burdens:
- Be totally honest with yourself
- Turn your burden into a trigger for a positive action or thought process
- Be specific about how you will handle your burden today
As an example, my version looks like this:
I maintain full focus on complete communication in all speaking situations. If I stutter today, it will serve as a trigger to refocus on my concept of holistic eloquence.
If you have any kind of cross to bear, I’d strongly recommend giving this a try. If not, good for you 🙂
That wraps up our constitution building for now. If you did not catch the first three parts, here they are: health, creation, people. Feel free to also apply this idea to other areas of life if you wish.
See you tomorrow for this week’s Amateur Creativity!
August 2, 2019 @ 9:12 am
pragtig Schalk!
August 2, 2019 @ 7:12 pm
Thanks 🙂 Hoe lyk dinge daaikant?