Consistency Art

The word “consistency” is a regular on this blog. It’s generally associated with good health, personal finances and productivity. But believe it or not, it also has an art connotation. 

“Consistency art” is anything where you do some small action consistently over an extended period of time to eventually create something beautiful. 

There are many possibilities. With 10 minutes a day over a couple of months, you can come up with a very cool painting, composition or sculpture. Something like a perfectly shaped Bonsai tree is another example of consistency art. 

My recent interest is long-term timelapse photography. I basically just take a photo from the same spot every once in a while and then add them all together later on. 

The first attempt is shown below. It’s a nice illustration of the changing weather patterns in Norway. 

I’m really looking forward to the change in seasons. Such a series of photographs should look very cool over the entire green-orange-brown-white-brown-green seasonal transformation in Norway.

The main challenge is getting the images to line up well. It seems there is no software that can do this automatically at present. Manual labor is therefore the only way, which is fine if the number of photos is small enough. 

I’ll be exploring this a bit more over coming months. Let’s see what comes out of it eventually.

Have a pleasant weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!