The Perfect Working Environment

Welcome to the final week of Supermorning Productivity!

As usual, this week will be dedicated to constructing an environment where good stuff happens automatically and bad actions appear increasingly unattractive. 

Let’s start with the space in which you add most of your value. 

Remove all friction

Is there anything annoying about your work space? Maybe your PC is slow, your desk is too small or your chair is not quite right. 

Any small issue with your working environment contributes a bit of resistance to the process of creating value. 

It degrades the experience and hence you get less done, while actually wearing out faster. Each tiny little imperfection will cost you thousands of productive hours across your career. 

Don’t be afraid to invest in the removal of any and all friction from the process of creating value. In the long run, this will pay for itself many times over. 

Convenient creative relaxation

Last week’s final post was about the importance of creative relaxation, and how it can help you find your perfect work rhythm. 

The key to achieving this huge benefit is to build a wide variety of convenient creative relaxation mechanisms into your environment.

Ideally, you should have close to 10 different options for creatively relaxing your mind for 10-30 minutes downtime between work sessions. 

Variety is the key to perpetual productivity without any boredom or burnout.

Having too few options will quickly make the work-relaxation pattern feel repetitive and boring. And when that happens, we become prone to procrastination of the unhealthy kind.  

Smart investments in creative relaxation promise similarly enormous returns to the optimization of your work environment described above. 

Nothing less than perfection

Your productive environment should be perfect. Perfect for you. 

Especially if you’re still reasonably young, the payout of creating such an environment over the course of your career is truly massive. 

So, what’s the first thing you should change?