Thank You for Your Service

Today is the final regular post of the first season of Supermorning. And what better way to end than with some gratitude 🙂 

In my book, anyone taking some deliberate action to improve their health and happiness while reducing their ecological footprint deserves a medal. 

Indeed, improved life efficiency is a great service to humanity. If you have improved yours over the past year, you can feel rightfully proud!

It’s not easy to be a trailblazer. Society still expects us to chase happiness through consumption, and deviating from this well-worn trail to nowhere can be tough. But our new trail to a truly efficient life needs to be blazed so that others can follow more easily. 

As discussed on Tuesday, the thing that makes life efficiency unique among sustainability solutions is that it doesn’t require lots of new technology and huge capital expenditures. It only needs people illustrating its virtues in their daily lives. 

Thank you for being one of those people! May your increasingly efficient lifestyle add many years to your life and much life to your years 🙂