Smart Work

Welcome to the second week of Supermorning Productivity! Over the next five days, we’ll be talking strategy – specifically, the art of smart work. 

Like any other, your relationship with work is a two-way street. For this relationship to thrive, it’s critical that you find it rewarding in much deeper ways than just salary. 

Our mission this week will be to ensure that the efforts you put into this relationship will be reciprocated. Indeed, if you treat work well, it will give back in true abundance.  

Days, months & years

Smart work requires you to think in three distinctly different time intervals:

  1. Days: Work with focus and purpose on an hour-by-hour basis.
  2. Months: Ensure that the tasks you work on daily align with the project plan and the progress of your collaborators. 
  3. Years: Ensure that your projects and collaborators align with your long-term purpose and maximize the potential for compounding reinvestments. 

The value of strategic planning

A purposeful person once postulated that proper prior planning prevents poor performance. 

Indeed, the poor performance this long list of P’s strives to prevent is one of the main reasons why so many people hate their jobs. 

Improper prior planning will destroy your relationship with work through a deadly double-whammy of soul-killing admin and stressful crisis mitigation. 

That’s why we’ll spend the next three days taking a deep dive into the three planning perspectives outlined above. See you tomorrow!