Recap: Sustainability through Life Efficiency
Wow, after 272 posts, we’ve made it to the final recap of the first season of Supermorning!
This final week delved into the deeper meaning behind this blog, particularly with respect to life efficiency as an incredibly attractive pathway to a sustainable society.
The checklist
- A new measure of human progress.
- GDP growth has long been synonymous with human progress.
- It remains relevant in developing regions, but the time has come to move on to a new measure: happy life years.
- Through a little bit of math, this shift of focus reveals life efficiency as a critical lever for achieving a sustainable society.
- Transforming society through life efficiency.
- Unlike other sustainability solutions, life efficiency does not need to deploy lots of new capital.
- It just needs a mindset shift. And if this shift goes viral, sustainability can grow surprisingly quickly.
- Those who build life efficiency now will benefit greatly when this shift crosses its tipping point.
- How evolved are you?
- These benefits lie far beyond our primitive drive towards instant pleasure and away from instant pain.
- Individual success requires evolution to longer-term thinking. But there is a higher level: a global mindset where the impact on society strongly influences our individual actions.
- Such a mindset is perfect for building a truly efficient life.
The most amazing thing about the material covered over the past year is this: You can do your bit to save the world by vastly improving your own life.
Sustainability is not something that requires great sacrifice and self-deprivation. It’s a guiding light towards a happier, healthier, wealthier, and more productive life.
If you have taken any steps towards greater life efficiency this year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! One day, the world will too.
June 19, 2020 @ 8:39 am
Thanks a lot for all the insightful posts over the last year!
June 21, 2020 @ 7:15 am