Recap: Short-Term Stress Management

This week was all about techniques for dealing with high levels of existing stress. Next week, we’ll get to some longer-term methods to prevent high levels of stress from occurring in the first place. 

So, let’s round up this week in the usual fashion.

The checklist

Here’s the lowdown of the four stress-management ideas we discussed:

  1. Develop a game plan for stress management.
    • We all know some typical stress-reduction techniques.
    • Making these techniques useful requires a proactive game plan to make sure they’re easily available when needed. 
  2. Let go of unnecessary stress.
    • Often we’re stressed about things that are not so dangerous, highly unlikely or totally outside our control. 
    • Becoming mindful of such cases makes it a lot easier to let go of useless stress. 
  3. Find your Most Efficient Next Action (MENA).
    • There are also many times when your stress is legit.
    • In such times, pouring all this restless energy into doing something about it results in very natural stress reduction. 
  4. Stop digging.
    • We have a tendency to keep doing the thing that caused our stress in the first place.
    • Be mindful of this possibility and do the positive things in the previous steps instead. 

So, there you have it. I really hope these ideas can make your days a little bit more tranquil 🙂 

Have a nice weekend!