Recap: Health Foundation

We’ll be spending the next couple of months covering several proven strategies for achieving optimal physical and mental health.  

But all the best health advice in the world is useless if we cannot get ourselves to make consistent healthy choices. This challenge lies at the foundation of healthy living and must be addressed first.

Constructing a solid foundation on which to build a truly healthy lifestyle was the focus of this week’s posts. The key messages from these posts are summarized in the checklist below.   

The checklist

Here is the 1-2-3 to a solid health foundation:

  1. Measure your health.
    • Smart BMI, biological age, stress and sick days combine to give a surprisingly complete assessment of general health. 
    • This invaluable knowledge will cost you a mere 10 minutes per quarter. 
  2. Find you why.
    • Carving out a healthy lifestyle among all of life’s unhealthy temptations requires a strong driving force, a strong why
    • Start by fully understanding the implications of health for yourself, your loved ones and your planet. 
  3. Learn to win during the crux moments.
    • Choices during crux moments set you on a longer-term path to either wellness or illness. 
    • Mastering these moments is the key to unlocking optimal health. 

Please make sure your foundation is strong. If so, the next couple of months can add many awesome years to your life 🙂