Recap: Emotion safari

The emotion safari is a rather strange, but strangely effective technique for demystifying the primitive emotions causing so much trouble in today’s world. 

If you give it a chance, it will give you a mental spotlight to catch these primitive emotions before they get close enough to cause serious harm. Such a spotlight is a very cool thing to have!

Interesting things happen in your mind when you use the fun metaphor of the Big Five to see these formerly abstract feelings as concrete creatures. See for yourself 🙂

The checklist

Here is the 1-2-3 of a good emotion safari:

  1. Get to know the Big Five primitive emotions.
    • They are first introduced here and described in more detail here
  2. Take a short safari every day.
    • All you need is five minutes and an open mind. 
    • Some clear guidelines are given here.
  3. Practice using your mental spotlight in day-to-day living.
    • Your safaris will give you the ability to see the Big Five coming much earlier than usual.
    • If you put them in the spotlight early enough, they often run away! 

So, there you have it. I really hope it works as well for you as it did for me 🙂

See you tomorrow for the September edition of Practice What You Preach