Recap: Building intelligent environments

The last two weeks have been about the gradual construction of intelligent environments where healthy and productive actions happen naturally and self-destructive actions become much harder. 

Without such intelligent environments, your primitive emotions will always get the better of you. You can try as you might with willpower, but it will be a losing battle. 

However, when you tilt the scales so that healthy and productive actions become automatic, life becomes much more interesting. 

Let’s take a look at the summarized guidelines to getting this done. 

The checklist

Here is the 1-2-3 for intelligent environment design:

Building intelligent environments takes time and patience. But you should start seeing some benefits already early on in the process. 

The process itself can also be very interesting. So just get started and watch what happens 🙂

See you tomorrow for this month’s edition of Practice What You Preach.