Recap: Accelerating Evolution

Over the past two months, we’ve talked a lot about our outdated emotional responses and how to handle them. 

Taming our primitive emotions is not easy. If it was, everyone would be genuinely happy, healthy, wealthy and productive in this truly amazing modern world of material affluence. 

That’s why it’s so important to set ourselves on a journey of accelerated evolution towards full compatibility with our modern world. 

The checklist

Here’s the 1-2-3 of staying on course during a journey of accelerated evolution:

  1. Make it part of your identity.
  2. Focus on tiny saves during day-to-day living.
    • Use a counter app on your phone to track your small victories over the Big Five.
    • Use some fun visualizations to dispatch the Big Five when needed. 
  3. When bad stuff happens, it really is time to step up.
    • Recognize the danger of a Big Five stampede and learn how to stop it.
    • Use such events as a valuable experiment to learn more about yourself. 

So, that’s it for the second chapter of the Supermorning series! Next week, we’ll shift our attention to the pursuit of perfect health. 

If you have any feedback or suggestions that can help me improve these accelerated evolution guidelines, please use the form below.

Your message will not be publicly visible, so please don’t hold back. Having gone through the scientific peer-review publication process about 100 times, I’m used to critical feedback 🙂

The Supermorning blog will run on an annually repeating basis, so this time next year I will present an improved version of these guidelines on accelerated evolution. Your feedback is important to make sure that next year’s version really offers a clear improvement.

Thanks in advance!