Let’s Go on Another Emotion Safari!

Yesterday’s post introduced the Great Five positive emotions. These guys are the antidotes to the Big Five primitive emotions causing so much trouble in today’s world. 

I hope you’ve already completed a couple of emotion safaris. If so, you’ll now be able to better recognize the Big Five whenever they pop into your head. 

Today, we’ll open our minds to some additional wildlife in our mental wildlife reserve…

Special Tuesday 5-minute action Look for the Great Five in your next emotion safari


It’s very informative to observe whether the Great Five show up on your emotion safaris. 

Like any ecosystem, balance is crucial in your mental wildlife reserve. Therefore, we need to introduce some natural predators to ensure that the Big Five don’t consume all our mental resources. 

So, whenever you see one of the Big Five, just recall its equivalent from the Great Five. There’s no need to overthink or analyse. Just bring that awareness of the positive equivalent to the primitive instinct and see what happens 🙂 

Tomorrow, we’ll take take it a step further with some sustainable ways to introduce more of the Great Five into your mental ecosystem. See you then!