Morning Exercise in the Real World

So, now that you have a yoga mat (or have dug the old one out of the closet), we can talk about using it. 

The internet has all the instructional material you’ll ever need. Just try putting “yoga” (or any other kind of exercise) into the app store on your phone and see for yourself. Go ahead, try one.

So, now that you have your mat and something to do on it, we can talk about the real issue: Actually doing it.


Every morning. 

It’s absolutely essential that you do not try to squeeze morning exercise into your already hectic morning. Instead, rearrange your hectic morning to open up the required space. 

This will probably involve getting up a little earlier, which has hopefully become a less frightening prospect since our first post.

But there will still be those days when life just get in the way of establishing this great little habit (a special shout-out to all those with small kids).

These are the make or break days, especially early on when you’re forming the habit. On these days, shorten your 10 minute session to 1 minute: one sun salutation, one plank, 10 push-ups, whatever.

Just don’t skip it.

Remember this key fact of life: a habit is formed by repetition, not by time. A one-minute repetition will help almost just as much as a 10-minute repetition.  

To summarize:

  • Make space in your morning
  • Religiously fit your chosen physical activity into that space every morning
  • Have a Lite version for those totally crazy or totally uninspired mornings

Like most good habits, it takes a good dose of dedication to form. But once it’s formed, things become decidedly easier. 

Tomorrow, I’ll share my journey to totally habitual morning yoga. See you then!