More Praise for the Early-Morning Chat

Having an accountability buddy waiting for you is a great way to consistently get yourself out of bed bright and early. 

But the benefits don’t end there…

First off, meaningful early-morning communication kick-starts your mental machinery. 

Yes indeed, when you call or meet your accountability buddy, you’ll actually need to talk about stuff. This blows away the morning brain fog and activates your legendary human interaction skills. 

Talking to someone else for 10 minutes every day is simple. All you really need to do is to ask about their day and their yesterday. If it’s someone you care about, this conversation will surely jump-start your brain. 

As you gradually master your mornings, you’ll also find it easier to be positive and energetic during these calls. This will energize your accountability buddy. And their increasing energy levels will inevitably spill back to you. 

Lastly, a short daily chat with your accountability buddy is guaranteed to deepen your relationship. 10 minutes per day is just enough to build deeper trust, but also short enough to avoid seeing too much of each other 😉 

Thus, your 10-minute chat with your accountability buddy will do much more than get you out of bed every day. You’ll get a running start, a positive mindset and, over time, a good friend 🙂 

So, if you have not taken yesterday’s one-minute action yet, resolve to do it today!   

Tomorrow, I’ll share how I accidentally got started on this great habit. See you then!