Make Movement Desirable

The last element of our lifelong fitness environment is to make it more fun to move your body 🙂

In general, if you can derive genuine pleasure from things that are good for you, life suddenly becomes a whole lot better. Fitness is no exception to this rule. 

So, let’s see how this can be done. 

Patiently get yourself in shape

Moving your body will always be a drag if you have a low power-to-weight ratio. In fact, building a body that makes movement more enjoyable should be one of the main motivations for getting fit. 

If you have a long way to go, don’t rush it. Just patiently build the habits and home environment we discussed over the past two days and allow your fitness to gradually improve. 

Then, as it becomes easier to move your body, gradually up the ante. And sooner or later, you’ll get to the point where movement genuinely becomes fun 🙂


Participating in sports is not mandatory for healthy fitness levels, but it can make fitness a whole lot more fun. 

There’s an almost endless array of sports to choose from and you can add a social element and/or some technology to make it even more interesting. Give it a try!


Open your mind to different ways to add some movement to your socializing. Although there are many options, possibly the five best ways to get this done are:

  1. Learn to dance reasonably well 🙂 Almost any party gets better with dancing and you need some confidence and skill to get people moving. 
  2. Get involved in a multi-person sport or an exercise group.
  3. Take your family or friends out into nature on a regular basis (even if it’s just the local park). 
  4. Get yourself a fit friend or two. If you’re colleagues, exercising together can strengthen the work relationship. 
  5. Convince a close friend to join you on your automatic fitness journey. 

Don’t take fitness too seriously

If fitness becomes a tedious job, you simply won’t be able to maintain it. As we stated right at the start of this sub-chapter, never exercise just because you know it’s good for you. Always make sure you have another reason (preferably more than one). 

If you can line up several fun activities that just happen to involve some movement, you’re on a much better track 🙂