How Full is Your Bucket?

Today is the start of the penultimate Supermorning chapter where we tackle one of our most complex subjects: Relationships. 

The best place to start is with a simple piece of advice applicable to all human interactions: Become a dedicated bucket filler. 

Let’s see what this means.

The bucket and the dipper

This delightfully simple analogy comes from the little book by Tom Rath that this post is named after. 

It states that each of us has an invisible emotional bucket and dipper. In each interaction, we can choose to fill the other person’s bucket or to dip from it. 

If a bucket is filled, the interaction lifts the spirits of both parties. If a bucket is dipped from, one or both parties feel worse after the interaction. 


The best thing about this idea is that filling another person’s bucket does not empty your own.

In fact, the act of bucket filling will reward you with some good feelings too. It really is one of the best habits to develop, both for yourself and for those around you. 

Become a bucket filler

Bucket-filling does not need to cost anything. Neither is there any need for some kind of grand gesture in every interaction. 

Just one little drop will suffice. Consistent small additions to all the buckets you meet along your way will greatly improve your relationships, including the one with yourself. 

Tomorrow’s post will take a closer look at what these drops look like.