Build Wealth to Make the World a Better Place

Yesterday’s post explained why building wealth is so important for your life satisfaction.

But the good reasons for wealth building don’t stop there. 

The bigger picture

When embarking on the long journey of building wealth, it’s helpful to keep a bigger meaning in mind.

For wealth, the bigger meaning is the tremendous positive impact that a culture of personal liberty can have on the world. 

We recently looked at the good, the bad and the ugly of capitalism. Even though capitalism continues to lift millions out of poverty, it also leads to tremendous environmental destruction and social injustice.

Let’s see how building personal wealth can solve these massive global problems. 

Building a sustainable world

We already have all the know-how required to bring everyone to decent living standards without destroying the planet. And this expertise will only keep improving over coming years.

There’s just one issue: getting capital to flow into the widespread deployment of this know-how. 

When people build wealth, it means that they defer consumption in favor of investment. From an environmental standpoint, that leads to less environmental destruction from consumerism and more capital available for the huge investments required to build a truly sustainable society. 

Thus, a greater emphasis on building individual wealth simultaneously reduces the problem and promotes the solution to our great 21st century sustainability challenge. 

Building a just world

Capitalism gives capital owners an unhealthy degree of power over the working classes and incentivizes them to pay workers as little as possible. But this power can only hold as long as workers have little or no wealth (in other words, no options).

The more tangible and intangible assets an employee has, the more leverage he gains to influence his working conditions. 

If the pursuit of personal liberty could become the norm, capitalism would suddenly become a much more just system with a healthy balance of power between employers and employees. 

A noble cause

Anyone can build the wealth required for such a sustainable world of true social justice.

The problem is just that our consumerist culture falsely promises us happiness if we immediately spend everything we earn. Ironically, this very culture keeps the majority from ever experiencing the personal liberty required for genuine life satisfaction. 

Every person breaking free from this mindless consumer culture contributes not only to the happiness of himself and his family, but also to global happiness and sustainability. 

Join us! Every person counts 🙂