Accept Your Caveman

We’ve now spent a good six weeks exploring the challenges we face as cavemen stuck in the future. I sincerely hope that this philosophy has helped you understand why you (and the rest of us) find it so difficult to consistently do the right things.

But it’s not enough to just understand intellectually that many of the instinctive responses we evolved over the first 99.9% of human history are badly outdated today. To get the most out of this idea, it’s important to really accept it on a deep level.

Accepting your caveman

Here are two simple ways of attaining this invaluable acceptance:

  1. Really see the humor in your caveman’s behavior. If you understand the Big Five, many of your caveman’s instinctive reactions become genuinely funny. Transform these irrational emotional responses from a source of frustration to a source of laughter 🙂 
  2. Commit five minutes to your daily emotion safari. If you do it right, these safaris become quite entertaining and are well worth sacrificing 5 minutes of your TV time 🙂 As mentioned in the previous point, be fully open to the humor in your caveman’s default thought patterns. 

Doing this allows you to cultivate an unlikely friendship between your evolved consciousness and your primitive instincts. After all, you’ll be stuck with these two opposing motivating forces for the rest of your life. Might as well make the best of it! 

Tomorrow, we’ll discuss how accepting your caveman can help you to do something even more important: accept yourself. See you then!