A Great Morning Starts the Previous Evening
Win the morning, win the day. Good advice, but not quite complete…
Here\’s the full (albeit less catchy) version: win the evening, win the night, win the morning, win the day.
Indeed, getting up fresh and ready for the day is much easier if you gave yourself a good night\’s sleep. And your sleep quality is heavily influenced by the choices you make in the evening.
This week we\’ll discuss some ways to boost your sleep both in terms of quantity and quality.
To do this, we need a convenient way to measure our sleep. Luckily, there\’s an app for that!
Monday 5-minute action Install and set up Sleep Cycle on your phone
Sleep Cycle is an awesome little app that tracks your sleep both in terms of quantity and quality. It can also serve as an alarm that wakes you up when you\’ll be least groggy.
All you need to do is to press start every evening when you get in bed. The app then listens to your breathing and movements and gives you a sleep quality score the next morning.
Getting some cool data about sleep is important in our modern society with it\’s sleep-deprivation epidemic. Have a look at the interesting talk below for some more detail.
Then join me tomorrow when we\’ll talk more about shaping the evening for sound sleep.