Ideal Version of You, Part 1: Health

The next two weeks will be dedicated to a special little something I like to call a personal constitution. In the first week, we’ll create one that’s right for you. The following week will then focus on making it part of your life. 

A personal constitution is a concise description of how the ideal version of yourself will act.

Sure, we all have some idea about the person we’d like to be. But outlining this in a concrete and formalized manner gives a massive boost to your chances of actually becoming that person.

So let’s get started with the first part of our personal constitution:

Special Monday 5-minute action Draft your own health constitution


A good constitution segment is no longer than 2-3 sentences. It should be simple, clear and memorable. 

Here are some helpful guidelines for drafting a good health constitution: 

  • Specify why you want to be healthy
  • Include both physical and mental health
  • Be specific about the healthy actions you’ll take today

As an example, my health constitution looks like this:

I commit to complete mental and physical health, so I can see the 22nd century. Today, my food intake will be moderate and highly nutritious, my physical activity regular and enjoyable, and my mental demeanor calm and positive. 

Your constitution should be unique to you. For example, my fascination with the future of our planet really motivates me to extend my lifetime as long as possible. Very few others will share this strange motivation, but it’s a big part of my drive to maintain perfect health. 

I really hope you give this a go. The next 5 minutes could genuinely do wonders for your health!

See you tomorrow for part 2 of your personal constitution 🙂