The World’s Best Foods: Raw Green Veggies

Next on our list of the world’s best foods comes raw green veggies like spinach, kale, cucumber and celery. They’re not exactly taste sensations, but their health profile earns them a spot on this list. 

Luckily, if you do it right, incorporating these superfoods into your diet really is very easy and totally pain-free 🙂 

What’s so great about raw green veggies?

Green vegetables are among the world’s most nutrient dense foods, meaning that their ratio of nutrients to calories is very high. Spinach takes the prestigious title of the most world’s most nutrient dense food! 

In other words, green veggies can help you load up on vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with zero chance of gaining weight. All these nutrients help prevent all sorts of degenerative diseases and slow down aging. 

Tips and tricks

I don’t think there’s anyone who questions the nutritional benefits of raw green veggies. There’s just one problem: they don’t taste all that great. 

The most practical way to overcome this challenge is a green smoothie. Such a smoothie can be made in bulk and frozen in containers so that it is always easily available. It at least has a decent taste, so drinking it regularly is no problem.

You should also experiment with incorporating more greens on the side of your hot meals. For example, I recently found that raw spinach goes extremely well with lasagne.

So, raw green veggies definitely deserve a spot on your daily meal plan. With a little bit of planning, getting past their rather bland taste is actually pretty easy.

Why not give it a go? There’s no doubt that turning raw green vegetables into a daily habit is a very smart move!