“Win – Win More” Relationships

Following last week’s discussion on personal relationships, our logical next target is relationships of a professional persuasion. 

These two relationship types differ in their final goal. For personal relationships, it’s health and happiness. For professional relationships, it’s some practical benefit to your career or initiatives. 

But there is an important constraint: we cannot expect others to enthusiastically help us further our visions if they get nothing out of it.

This is where the idea of win-win collaboration comes in. Most people know that win-win is important, but we can take things one step further…

Win – win more (WWM) relationships

Whenever you’re thinking of initiating a new collaboration, try to set things up so that the other person wins even bigger than you, creating a WWM collaboration. 

You should certainly still win, but the deal for the other person should be so sweet that they would be stupid to decline. 

Not only will this increase your potential to gain the required collaboration to further your ideas; it will also ensure that your collaborators are fully invested in making it happen. 


WWM collaboration is just one of the many ways in which you can reap compounding gains from your wealth, particularly your intangible assets

The greater your wealth of skills, contacts, reputation, and personal liberty, the more you can bring to any collaboration, and the easier it becomes to set up WWM deals.

Since you will still win from every deal, each of them should grow your wealth, both tangible and intangible. And these gains can then be leveraged to establish even better collaborations. 

Allow the power of WWM collaboration to compound over a 50-year career, and you can build something very special together with your collaborators 🙂