
Another weekend, another little bit of Amateur Creativity πŸ™‚

Every once in a while, we get a beautiful still day with no external forces causing emotional turbulence in our lives. 

This Tuesday was one such day for me. Fittingly, it started with a beautiful still morning that caused no turbulence on the lake close to my home. 

After this lovely walk around the lake, I returned home and worked for 11 hours on a new paper. It was one of those precious experiences of β€œflow” where you get a lot done without any mental strain. 

When these days come, we need to embrace them fully and use them to kick-start momentum. Indeed, the next three days delivered another 30 hours of deeply focused work with very limited mental fatigue. I sent the finished paper to my co-author last night πŸ™‚

We can’t all live next to a beautiful lake. And my lake very rarely looks as pretty as this. But we’ll all do well to be more aware of the beautiful things in our lives. They can bring out the best version of ourselves. 

If you had an awesome week, I hope these reflections motivate you to keep building the momentum.

If you had an awful week, I hope these reflections remind you that beautiful days will cross your path again.

Have a great weekend!