Recap: Accountability Buddy
Awakening your own superpower of consistency demands that you master your mornings.
Early morning is the only period of the day when you have full control over your time. And this control can be leveraged to proactively steer your life in the right direction.
Those who don’t take proactive control are simply blown where the winds of life take them. As they inevitably crash into life’s many obstacles, a primitive “fight or flight” mode kicks in, sapping tons of energy for little or no reward.
Breaking free of this mold requires a strong catalyst to push you to take action and claim your mornings. An accountability buddy could be that catalyst (it was for me).
The checklist
So, here’s a simple guide to finding and maintaining a good accountability buddy:
- Select someone who can fulfill this role. If someone doesn’t come to mind right away, maybe some options listed in Monday’s post can help.
- Ask this person to try this experiment with you. If they hesitate, suggest a week-long trial period to give an easy out if it’s not working.
- During the conversations, focus on the following:
- Keep it short. Be conscious of your accountability buddy’s time and end the conversation while both parties are still enjoying it.
- Keep it positive. See it as your mission to give your accountability buddy a more positive outlook on life.
- Show genuine interest. Keep track of important developments in your accountability buddy’s life. Ask for their opinion on important subjects and think carefully about the insights they share.
Alternatively, you could simply leave a short comment on this blog every morning. I’m very interested to hear more about any practical challenges you face with these suggestions. You could also just say “hi” 🙂
In time, I hope that we can get several people commenting each morning. This could turn into a nice little community of accountability buddies making sure that everyone’s up bright and early!
I really hope you give this a go! In my experience, it sure is worth it 🙂
See you tomorrow!
July 11, 2019 @ 6:59 am
Hi! 😀
July 11, 2019 @ 8:24 am